VTL Vernetzte-Transport-Logistik GmbH was recognised as one of the five companies that support occupational stays abroad during the course of the “Personnel and Future” initiative (Personal und Zukunft – IPZ). The certificate was handed over in cooperation with the Fulda Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Kassel Chamber of Commerce by Emilia Mikkonen, mobility adviser of Arbeit und Bildung eV.
In recent years, VTL has been sending apprentices abroad so that they can deepen their professional knowledge and acquire intercultural competence. This year, too, part-time co-operation would once again enable its trainees to gain professional experience abroad and to optimally supplement their apprenticeship as a merchant for forwarding and logistics services.
VTL is already in the preparations for the next traineeship exchange in Europe, where trainees are actively involved with planning and organisation right from the start.
“This will make a valuable contribution to the promotion of cross-border mobility and contribute to the personal development of the young people”, summarised the expert in occupational stays abroad, Ms Mikkonen, and thanked all the companies for the good cooperation.