VTL Vernetzte-Transport-Logistik GmbH
Industriepark Fulda-West
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 15
36041 Fulda
Tel.: +49 661 97680
GLN: 40 38945 00003
Court of registration: Fulda District Court
Company registration number: HRB 1871
Sales tax ID number in accordance
with Art. 27a of the Sales Tax Act: DE 19381 5701
Chief Executive (authorised to represent the company):
Markus Egerer
Disclaimer: Despite making careful checks, we can accept no liability for the content of external websites linked to from this site. Sole responsibility for such content lies with the operators of such sites.
We operate exclusively in accordance with the Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – (German Freight Forwarders’ General Terms and Conditions 2017). Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviates from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage location to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8,33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1,25 million per damage claim and EUR 2,5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg.
Technical Website realization:
Köln|Dialog, Cologne