Numerous examples of VTL general cargo co-operation at the Environmental Measures in Transport and Logistics trade conference in Stuttgart on 18 March

Johanna Birkhan (right), Member of the VTL Board of Management and Helmut Barth, Managing Partner of barth-Logistikgruppe
Against the background of European Standard 16258 the requirements for freight forwarding and logistics companies have become very apparent, in particular with regard to journeys in France.
The approximately 100 participants showed avid interest in the practical examples at the trade event. VTL Vernetzte-Transport-Logistik GmbH of Fulda, represented by Johanna Birkhan, Member of the Board of Management, illustrated the path of environmental and sustainability management at VTL, detailing the identification of the CO2 footprint, the Network Carbon Footprint (NCF) of the entire network of 125 partners. In addition, she also presented the CO2 shipment table with average values, which enables the reading of CO2 shipment values via weight and distance.
During the course of the VTL presentation the system partner Helmut Barth, Managing Partner of barth-Logistikgruppe, reported on the “Green Building” scheme of his company, illustrating how heating and cooling via a heat pump and a photovoltaic unit on the warehouse roof have a positive influence on the energy balance.
Birkhan also presented VTL’s sustainability report with the best practice examples received, saying: “the entire network benefits from this sustainable experience and these examples.”
“I was very pleased with the positive reactions and numerous queries received after our joint presentation,” said Johanna Birkhan, stating her personal impression of the event. “For VTL and myself it was interesting to see how other logistics companies are tackling the challenge of lowering and documenting greenhouse gas emissions.”
The trade conference was organised by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy Industry, logistics association Verband Spedition und Logistik Baden-Württemberg e.V., the transport industry working group Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbände des Verkehrsgewerbes in Baden-Württemberg and the Stuttgart and Rhein-Neckar Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce.