From September 26 to 28, 2024, the Konzeptkaufhaus Karl in Fulda was “the place to be” for students from the Fulda region who were looking for prospects after leaving school. 150 regional companies from a wide range of sectors, including VTL, presented their training/study/internship offers for three days. VTL’s presence at the fair was a good opportunity to raise its profile in the region and establish contact with future young talent. The VTL team can look back on the trade fair with satisfaction. “The new location right in the center of Fulda attracted many interested students to the VTL stand. There was also an increased interest in dual training courses this year,” summarized the VTL trade fair team.

At VTL, trainees can accompany the trade fair project from A-Z, help shape the development process from conception to planning to implementation and contribute their own ideas at any time. This also includes stand management, which promotes the trainees’ organizational, communication and presentation skills.